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Member Profiles - Do I need one?

As a Member, profiles are optional. If you create a profile it will be private by default unless you share it with a Friend. A lot of times, the Friends may ask to see your profile (or photo) after they reply back to you and you make plans.

I'm a Member, and I do not want to get hired, why do I need to choose my rate per hour? Don't worry about the rate. You can leave it set to negotiable. - the rate would only apply below:

We find that some Members also want to be hired as a Friend on the website. This can be accomplished by clicking on "Privacy" on the left side menu and changing the option from "who can see my profile" from "people I choose" to "everyone". This will then put your profile into the search results as a Friend for hire. Again, by default your profile is always private and will NEVER come up in the results.

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